Grass & Co. Mushrooms Shines Bright at the Get The Gloss Wellness Awards 2023

Grass & Co. Mushrooms Shines Bright at the Get The Gloss Wellness Awards 2023

The Best Mushrooms For Sleep and Focus

In the ever-evolving world of wellness, it's a significant achievement to stand out and be recognized for excellence. This year, Grass & Co. Mushrooms has done just that, with two of their outstanding products receiving top honors at the prestigious Get The Gloss Wellness Awards 2023.

Gold Standard for Sleep and Focus

The Grass & Co. Dream (Reishi) Capsules have been awarded the Gold title for the 'Best Sleep Enhancer' category. The capsules, which contain a potent blend of reishi, sage, and magnesium, have been praised for their GABA-inducing properties. GABA, a calming neurotransmitter, plays a crucial role in helping us switch off our brains and drift into a peaceful slumber. As judge Charlotte Faure Green aptly put it, these capsules allow users to "turn off their brain and fall into calm."

But that's not all. The Grass & Co. Mushrooms Focus Lion's Mane capsules also clinched the Gold award in the 'Best for Brain Health' category. Lion's mane mushroom has been the subject of numerous studies highlighting its benefits for brain health, healthy brain aging, and focus. Judge Daniel O’Shaughnessy shared his personal experience, noting that the supplement significantly enhanced his concentration within an hour of consumption.

A Commitment to Excellence

These awards are not just trophies; they're a testament to our unwavering commitment to quality and efficacy. We pride ourselves on our meticulous research and dedication to providing products that cater to the holistic well-being of our customers.

A Heartfelt Thank You

We want to extend our deepest gratitude to the Get The Gloss Wellness Awards for this recognition. It's an honor to be acknowledged on such a prestigious platform. Moreover, a big thank you to our loyal customers for their trust and support. We promise to continue delivering products that stand up to your expectations and beyond.

Here's to many more years of wellness, innovation, and excellence!

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